Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

Trick to Answer TOEFL Listening Question

The TOEFL Listening Session (TOEFL listening section) aims to test participants' ability to understand spoken language. Thus, participants not only understand the writing but also understand the vocabulary they are listening to. You can practice your skills by taking a TOEFL course or trying it for yourself. In addition to understanding conversation or speech, in this session the participants were also slightly tested regarding grammar. This is because in the listening session, the audio that is played is in the form of conversations from short to long ones on a topic of conversation. Not infrequently in this conversation also talk about time.
In the TOEFL listening session there are three parts that are categorized into part A, part B, and part C. Although both listening sessions, but differences occur in the length of the conversation. Part A contains a short conversation, part B with a longer conversation, and part C is a fairly long monologue about an event. In all three sessions you will be given 35-45 minutes for the whole question. Plus the conversation session with the opportunity to answer is only given a little time. Thus, you must be careful in answering each question.

Ø  Part A
As explained earlier, this session was in the form of listening to a short conversation consisting of two speakers. Every short conversation will have a question at the end and you can find the answer on the question sheet. In listening to TOEFL part A, this is still fairly easy because the participants only have a fairly short conversation. In general, participants are only given the opportunity to listen to one conversation. Thus, you must pay attention to what the speaker is saying carefully.
In the session keywords are usually in the second speaker. However, the basis of the conversation topic is said by the first speaker so you also have to pay attention to it. Furthermore, the questions asked are usually in the form of keywords delivered by the second speaker. Instructions part A: Here you will listen to the conversation between the two speakers. At the end of each conversation there will be a third person voice, in which the person will read out the question regarding the conversation. You can see the answer on the question sheet.
Conversations are generally only played once. After listening to the question, choose one of the four answers that you think are appropriate. After selecting one answer that is considered correct, you can fill in the answer sheet directly. In TOEFL part A listening, one conversation represents one question. Don't think too long. This is because between one conversation, the session answers, with the next conversation given only a little time. Thus, make sure you are not late to focus on the next conversation. You also have to be careful in listening, so it doesn't take long when answering.
The following are some of the use of question words that often appear in the TOEFL Listening hension Section Part A.
What does the (man / woman) mean?
What will the (man / woman) probably do (next)?
What will the speakers do? What is the (man / woman) going to do?
What does the (man / woman) plan to do?
What does the (man / woman) imply about ...?
What is the (man's / woman's) problem?
What problem does the (man / woman) think the (man / woman) have?
What are the speakers talking about?
What does the (man / woman) suggest that the (man / woman) do?
What does the (man / woman) say about ...?
What does the (man / woman) think about ...?
What had the (man / woman) assumed about ...?

Ø  Part B
Part B conversations will be longer than the previous part. It's still the same as listening TOEFL part A, this conversation is again carried out by two people and at the end of the third person will convey the question. If previously one conversation for one question then on this occasion one conversation for several questions. Given the length of the conversation and there are several questions that will be delivered, you should concentrate more on this session.
Instructions for Part B: After one long conversation is heard, then there is a third person who will give some questions. Each conversation will be spoken once. The distance from one question to the next is in just seconds, so answer immediately after the question is asked. After listening to the question, you can choose one of the answers that is considered right that is printed on the question sheet. You won't find the question on the question sheet so you have to listen well. After choosing one answer that is considered the most appropriate, you can blacken the answer sheet.
The examples of questions that are often heard by Part B include:
What is the main topic of this conversation?
Where does the conversation take place?
When did it occur?
What will the man probably do next?
How does the woman buy?
Who is the guest speaker?

Ø  Part C

The TOEFL Part C listening is slightly different from the previous two parts. This is because this session is not composed of conversations but monologues, where the narrator will read the narrative in the form of stories and news that is quite long. The topic also varies in the form of things you have or have often experienced. Text that will be played later has a duration of about 40 to 80 seconds. Later at the end of the story or narration, the narrator will read a few questions. The narrative that is played will contain information in the form of sentences and numbers. It's good if you also pay attention to a number of numbers mentioned in the narrative.
Questions will also be sent once with the chance that you will answer about 12 seconds. This time will be given for one question. Questions were asked for one narrative session which ranged from 3 to 7 questions. Directions Part C: This TOEFL listening part will be played with several narratives. At the end of each narrative questions will be given that are only played once.
No question text is not written in the question book, so you have to listen carefully to the questions. Here your listening ability is very tested. Because the text to be read later is quite long. For that you must be able to understand well what is conveyed. After hearing the question, you can find the answer on the question sheet. Choose one of the four choices that you consider to be the most appropriate answer.
Examples of questions that are often heard in Part C include main ideas, details, purpose, and implication:
1. Questions about main ideas usually include:
What is the main idea of ​​the talk?
What is the talk mainly about?
What are the speakers discussing?
What would be a good title for the lecture?
2. Questions regarding details of the conversation usually include:
What does the man / woman say about ...?
What does the man / woman want?
What does the man / woman suggest about ...?
What is the man / woman describing?
3. Questions regarding purpose (purpose) usually include:
Why did ...?
Why is ...?
Why does the man / woman think ...?
Why does the speaker mention ...?

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