Rabu, 14 November 2018

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris


A.    Background
In facing difficulties including customers, then as students we also have to learn in marketing products. In the task of filling in this entrepreneurial subject, we strive to learn to become entrepreneurs. The business that we do is an effort that can be an opportunity for us in the future. At present the businesses we use today offer drinks (TEH POCI).

B.     Purpose
The purpose of this business is not only to seek profit, but also to emphasize the experience of an entrepreneurial process because through marketing and sales we are required to interact with many people, how to offer well and politely, convince buyers to buy beverage products that we offer and give the best explanation and service so that the customer feels satisfied.

C.     Date and Time
The implementation of this activity is carried out in several places within 2 weeks, namely:
Day: Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Time: 16.00 - 19.30 WIB



A.    Product Type and Product Price
Teh Celup Poci Vanila '25
Rp 4000
Rp 3200
Teh Celup Poci Jasmine '5
Rp 1000
Rp 800

B.     Marketing
The marketing process that we do is by promoting it directly to the customer, going to the people we usually know. By doing the above steps we try to persuade customers to be interested in our products so that they can eventually make purchases and transactions. Not even a little when we socialize the product, the customer immediately buys it. Most of our customers are people who are in our home environment because the price is affordable and our product sales can run smoothly.

C.     Sales
This sales activity is the core activity of the transaction process, therefore sales activities consist of a series of activities such as determining and finding buyers introducing products, negotiating prices and ending with the payment process. Our sales include one product, namely Beverage products, for Beverage products, we sell mostly to people around the house.

D.    Results and Discussion
We do this activity to get experience and learning to become entrepreneurs. This activity is a very useful activity for students especially us, because by doing this activity we know how to offer and market a product well. And we can know more about how to interact well.



A.    Conclusion
From the activities we do is that students really need a learning process like this. Because we can directly feel how to offer and sell products to others. This experience can be the basis when we will open a business. As long as there is a will and the desire to try for sure we can do it, because in the world of business capital is not everything

B.     Suggestion
The suggestion that we want to convey is that hopefully in the next entrepreneurship subject, this field practice activity can still be implemented and further improved. Because activities like this are very useful, so students have the provision of experience when they want to go directly into the business world.

Reference :


Soedirman Street no. 56 South Jakarta
021- 837 01205

Pahlawan Street no. 99 South Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung, Lampung
Bandar Lampung, April 1st, 2016
Heru Susanto, S.Kom
Maju Terus, Ltd
Soedirman Street no. 56 South Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dear Mr. Heru Susanto, S.Kom,
To celebrate the third anniversary of our company, through this letter we invite all managers of Maju Terus, Ltd to attend the last preparation meeting which will be held on:
Date    : Saturday, 30th April 2016
Hours        : 9 A.M – end
Venue        : SHERATON Convention Hall
We hope that you will be able to come because we will take the final decision of our program. Thanks for your nice attention.

    Toni Purwanto, S.E
Chairman of the Committee

Reference :